Thursday, November 1, 2007

So, today I worked up front at the shop (beauty blossoms)- a position I rarely hold now that I work in the backroom as a designer. Between 2 and 3 in the afternoon, things get a little slow, so I whipped out my new camera.

At the moment my favorite things are (listed in order from top to bottom)
1. I love, love, love ribbon. Grosgrain, picot, dupioni- you name it, I like it. One day when I own my bungalow on a boulevard somewhere, I plan to have a craft room with a ribbon rack outiftted with a vast array of inmported spools.

2. The pastle bird tile is only $9.99 and absolutely adorable. It was only fitting to merchandise it with a cup of quail feathers, which are particularily trendy in many design magazines right now.

3. PUMPKIN TREE! Yes, those are clusters of mini pumpkins dangling from branches. Every design for the past few days has had a pumpkin tree in it.

To recap halloween weekend, aka, freakfest- my tinfoil swan costume went over well. There were many blank stares, but after my explanation I got either a high-five, a hug (that was wierd), or a "well done!". I also had a number of people ask if I would recycle it- only in Madison.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have great taste in the ribbon selection taken by your new camera.